Over the last the few weeks I have been watching tutorials, practicing my artworks as well as testing out numerous environments. I am currently working on lighting for on eo f my major environments which will be finished in the next day or two. From creating this environment I have learnt how to use spline modelling as well as speeding up my environmental modelling process which will come in handy over the next trimester.
Other works I have done include experimenting in Unreal Engine 4 with lighting, particles and also the textures. UE4 I am slowly getting the hang of and will be using it for future projects as a rendering and lighting program.
For the CIU project over this week I will be continuing my blog posts as well as creating some concept artworks for the desolate cityscape. I'm thinking of using fallout 3, Wasteland 2 as well as numerous movies as reference. I'm looking forward to traveling to Russia and Ukraine where I can grab some great texture shots and reference because of the derelict buildings including Chernobyl.