Sunday, 26 April 2015


Contenders - Renewable vitality ads

 There are three energy companies that are known when mentioned. They are Origin, Energex and AGL. From what I have seen the environments have been run-down and restored to new life through some form of renewable energy. The idea that is sold appears to be a healthier environment as well as a brighter future.

From what I've noticed, the majority of ads related to renewable energy run for an average of 30 seconds. Not one of these ads seem to be similar to what our group is focusing on. Unfortunately there has not been a commercial similar to ours so really there isn't a set competitor for use to compare to. The good news is that we will be bringing something new to the table however the con is that we could potentially loose our audience due to the newness.

Below are a list of commercials I found for renewable energy.

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